Bald Eagles of Ferry County

Bald Eagles...
With a geologic landscape of  rolling mountains, and towering cliff faces above cottonwood lined river and stream drainages, lakes, ponds and potholes, hosting a diversity of smaller wildlife, Ferry County has a thriving bald eagle population. Whenever opportunity knocks I try to spend time in the company of eagles. Living in Ferry County, an area where there are at least six nests within an hours drive fortunately makes that opportunity possible.
Here are a few Bald Eagle photographs with more to be added soon...
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Adult bald eagle, winter, Okanogan Highlands, NE Washington State. J. Foster Fanning photography

Juvenile bald eagle in western larch snag, Kettle River Valley, Ferry County, Washington State.
J. Foster Fanning photography
Bald eagle nest in cottonwood snag with adult and nestling eaglet, San Poil River Valley, Ferry County, Washington State.
J. Foster Fanning photography 
Mature bald eagle launching into flight off cottonwood perch #1. J. Foster Fanning photography

Mature bald eagle launching into flight off cottonwood perch #2. J. Foster Fanning photography
Mature bald eagle in flight from Ponderosa pine alongside northern Lake Roosevelt, NE Washington State.
J. Foster Fanning photography
Close up juvenile bald eagle perched cottonwood tree. J. Foster Fanning photography
Mature bald eagle perched in cottonwood tree, Kettle River Valley NW Ferry County, Washington State.
J. Foster Fanning photography
Mature bald eagle calling at two juveniles who are part of a fishing group of four eagles during a winter foray.
J. Foster Fanning photography
Mature bald eagle in glide flight. J. Foster Fanning photography
* * *
Perfect perch at the confluence of Curlew Creek and the Kettle River.
In flight on a snowy February morning...
More to come. Check back soon...

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